Practice Areas

Why You Need the Top Lawyers

Our principal goals are to provide the highest quality legal services available anywhere; to be an instrumental part of each client’s success; and to recruit, retain and advance the brightest legal talent. We seek long-term, partnering relationships with clients, to the end of providing the best total solution to their legal needs.

We stress — and clients rightfully expect — good results. Our lawyers employ innovative, pragmatic strategies and hard work to ensure that our clients’ legal needs are met. Our success depends on close coordination with our clients, and our lawyers work collaboratively to set objectives, develop budgets and conduct periodic reviews to measure our progress against those objectives.

What We Are Expert At

Legal Practice Areas

Divorce & Separation​
Grandparent Rights​
Child Custody​
Domestic Violence​
Marriage/Civil Unions​
Adoption & Surrogacy​
Property Settlements​

Child Support

There are specific guidelines regarding child support under federal and provincial law. The idea behind the guidelines is to make child support easier to figure out. Support is calculated based on the number of children, the income of the payor, and the province in which the payor resides.

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Domestic Violence, Child Abduction

When the parents of a child cannot agree on custody arrangements, or one parent fails to abide by a court-imposed custody order, the situation can escalate from a mere disagreement to domestic violence kidnapping charges. A conviction of domestic violence kidnapping may not only affect your liberties but also significantly impair your parental rights. If you are charged with domestic violence kidnapping, it is critical to meet with a criminal attorney regarding the circumstances surrounding your arrest. The Tacoma domestic violence attorneys at the Philip Allen Law Firm will work tirelessly to develop compelling arguments in your defense and help you strive to protect your liberties.

Contracts And Agreements

The last thing on your mind, when you are getting married or entering into a cohabitation living arrangement, is the possibility the marriage or relationship will not last. Should that occur, you could face a very stressful period.

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Child Custody, Adoption And Surrogacy

The first case, in which an infant briefly became a ward of the court until custody was awarded to the father and his wife, helped speed the passage of the Surrogacy Arrangements Act in 1985. In the second case, the surrogacy arrangement had been made before the passage of the Act, and the adoption by the father and his wife was authorized under the Adoption Act 1958. The third case was the first involving a custody dispute, with the surrogate mother refusing to relinquish twin infants and eventually being awarded custody. Philip Allen Law Firm suggests setting up a noncommercial agency to handle surrogacy arrangements, thereby avoiding the legal and social problems that have resulted from private arrangements.

Appeal Work

In some family law matters an appeal to a higher court is sometimes needed. An appeal is essentially a request to have the decision of the lower Court reviewed by the higher Court. The appeal process is very complex and requires a Philip Allen Law Firm with expertise in this process.

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